About Us


Many people conclude that people are poor through some fault of their own. This kind of reasoning makes it easy to close their hearts and hands to the needy. But we are not to invent reasons for ignoring the poor. We are to respond to their needs no matter whom or what was responsible for their condition. His Love Reaching is an outreach ministry created to show the love of God by supplying the needs of those not having the resources to help themselves.


Our vision is to acknowledge God’s command and special concern for the poor by being generous with our time, love, and material goods. That having been richly blessed, we can now turn around and be a blessing to those who are in need.

ASSISTANCE PROVIDED: (including but not limited to)
Food (giving food directly, as well as grocery store gift cards)
Basic Toiletries
Cleaning Supplies
Blankets/Sleeping Bags
Jackets – for cold weather (all sizes)
Bibles (opportunities to witness)
Respite Time – for mothers with young children
Assisting students in need with school supplies, books, etc.
Helping elderly who could not otherwise afford assistance


Non-Profit Status


Free Clinic (doctors, nurses donating their services)
Coordinating churches in providing assistance